Customer Thank you Email

Stephanie D. shared this question 8 months ago

How do I make this automatic email send to events that were completed in the last 2 months?

Comments (1)


Based on the question, I assume you want this to go out to every customer after it's complete but only after the last 2 months. Nothing longer.

Create a filter:

Settings>filters>add new. Name the filter, Select LEAD as the type. Then...

lead status equals complete

AND lead end date last 60 days

Then create the automation:

Settings>Automations>add New

Select the filter as the requirements

For the action Select email, select the template email you want to send or create a new one.

Save and close.

Reopen. Select the number of recipients and see if that list that opens is accurate.

If it is, check the active box and save and close.

Once IO approves the automation, they'll send.

Every time a new lead goes to complete, the automation will trigger.


thank you for that, but it will not let me send the email that I wish to send, its the automatic thank you survey email that I wish to send.


ok. so I kinda sort of misunderstood the question. If you activate the email, you can create a filter to capture the leads for the last 2 months and then manually send it to them using the template. Then leave it active to send after each event.


any good thank you templates?


See this article on setting up the auto thank you email and reviews.

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