contracted email

Carolann R. shared this question 13 months ago

I booked a lead on the back end, they payed the deposit, I send them the contract and they signed it but I didnt get an email of the order once it was confirmed. Where do I turn this on so I can make sure to see this when a customer book or I book on the back end?

Comments (3)


I believe you should get an IO notification about it being confirmed - set that up in preferences - but you can also check in your status bar it should change colors based on how you have it set up - so visually mine change from orange to green when deposit is paid and money is recieved. That's done is the settings under lead status - change your colors in there and add different statuses if you like.



Here' youll find all the possible emails IO automatically offers to send you when an 'event' happens. For those that aren't available, create a custom automation.


Yes check out "Alerts" to be sure you have the correct ones turned on so you know when a customer signs and pays

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