"You might also be interested in"

Jose G. shared this question 22 months ago
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Hello, Under the "you might also be interested in" section at the bottom of a page, I would like to prioritize what is seen there. Example I have a dry slide which can come with water, however the water slide is in the water slide section. I would like to have the water slide to appear first at the bottom so clients can see and select. I want to do this for each item page as each item in inventory has something particular I would like the customer to see first. Unless you suggest a better way of displaying this.

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You can prioritize which upsell item is listed by going to Settings-->Inventory-->Select your unit-->Upsell-->Type in the name of the items you would like to upsell with the unit, click 'add' and 'save'.

Thank you


Ok, I followed your instructions, and nothing happened. None of the items I placed in the upsell portion show in the "you might also be interested" section. However other changes I made on the page did update. What now?


I just read an article on upselling:

"We use the following techniques in order to prioritize what items to display:

  • Popularity of Items
  • Exclude Cousin Items (Items with the same name as something rented but technically a different unit).
  • Satisfaction Rating of Customers (This is taken from survey results).
  • Availability (Items must not be booked for other customers).
  • Selected Up Sell Items (You can choose these in the Up Sell area of the rental. These override all other priorities)."

Apparently the last bullet point does not work. I hope you can help.


Looking at your upsells for the superhero mega dry, I do see the the games that you had added. It appears there is a limit to the amount of upsells that will show.

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