Flagged Leads issue

Chad B. shared this question 18 months ago

My flagged leads dashboard keeps showing leads with "conflicts" but none of them have any. ANd once I clear them out. more will pop in. IDK where it's coming from.

Video probably doesn't help but


Comments (5)


I have this in with a developer to take a look.


Per developer:

I’ve opened the flagged leads and saved them to clear the conflict flags. I did not see any new ones get added after clearing them out, also a few of them did show conflicts. If they continue having an issue let us know, so we can look into it further. There are too many variables to rule out what may have caused these conflicts (quantity, maintenance, etc).


Yes, if you open and save every one it gets rid of the flag, BUT the ones that don't have conflicts shouldn't have shown up there to begin with. And usually it's days later not immediately. MOSTLY I don't think that when I save a lead that has no conflicts, it should still be in the list till I open it again to save it. UNLESS a conflict is caused by another lead. 


I have your response with the developer.


Per Developer:

Has this been a recurring issue, or has it just started recently? Do they know what may be causing the conflicts? Are items going into maintenance, etc? I looked through the logs last week and couldn’t find the cause. If we can narrow down what is causing the conflicts in the first place, we can look for a solution. These leads would be in conflict at some point, then conflict is cleared, but the flag is not.

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