Affiliate marketing

Harry B. shared this question 3 days ago

I would like to be able to establish an affiliate marketing program

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs earn money by promoting a product or service for a retailer.

Affiliates encourage their audiences to visit an online store or marketplace through affiliate links that track where a user came from.

I would need the ability to track leads from a particular affiliate marketer, and then compute their commission based on our agreement, for example 10% of the equipment rental from an order.

Any suggestions on how to implement this?

Thank you Harry James Briers Throne Ranger

Comments (3)


Hey Harry Sorry I think we were all confused by your question. We thought you wanted to be an affiliate of ours and refer customers. We could always set up certain promo codes with discounts or just for tracking. Gonna keep this with support and see if they can come up with some sort of workaround and see how we could implement something similar to what you are looking for.


No I want to enable affiliates to work for Throne Ranger. The problem is if the customer goes and uses a promo code, I can't have an affiliate code as well. One thing I was thinking about was just maybe adding a optional field to track that information but I don't know how to get that information from the web to paste into the system when a lead clicks on the affiliate ad. EG how do I get the medadata to post into the system automatically


We don't have anything like this at this time...Currently we have users using things like "customer tags" or optional fields to work the way they want. Then if the tag or the field matches a filter you can track, report or give a discount

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