Auto email

Tom S. shared this problem 2 years ago


Mathew Gregory, I can't tell why his quote ws not delivered

Comments (9)


have you looked into the spam articles here and how to help your email get delivered better?

you can also use to get som insight to why your email might have issues getting delivered.


also if you look at your lead in the log and crm it will have the returned email message usually and it sometimes has info in there that will give you an idea why..

might be on a blocked list, email address might be typed wrong, they might have to manually accept your email on their servier and get it around their firewall


Thanks for jumping in Greg but as I have said to IO if I have a problem with my car I don’t want the mechanic to tell me how to fix it. IO has just become too complicated. When I try to fix it I often screw it up.

Sent from my iPhone


well the information i provided you was from IO but sure i get it..

you do realize there is an Inflatable Office Users Group (I.O.U) that has hundreds of members that have answers very quickly and they all help each other.. it makes doing things very simple and less complicated.

i have used IO for over 15 years and still learn from the resources everyday.. and IMO the user to user support it great because its quick and easy, other users gives you all kinds of ideas on thinks you could try in your business etc...

Yea i get your struggle from old IO to new, but once you get it .. its a breeze.. that is why i was trying to help you

There is a complete You Tube Channel by IO that has so many training videos about how to do the processes..

there knowledge base is amazing, and for those that want the help, the user to user support is awesome.


Hi Tom,

The quote email does not get sent automatically it is a manual email template unless you create an automation to send it automatically.


I guess my concern was that this had always been setup to go out automatically but sometimes it does not. We have trained our team to be vigilant to check each quote now

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Just wanted to say thanks for all your help

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You're very welcome Tom!

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