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Workers Page Usage

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

I have got most of my workers now using the workers page when they have questions on orders, payments etc.

Today we ran into and issue.

We had an order that the client changed yesterday before they loaded this morning. When the worker clicked on the contract button it pulled up the current total but not the current items.

After I did some research I tracked it down to what it pulled up was the contract the client signed not the current items on the order.

Is there a way to make that button pull up the what is currently on the order not on the contract that was in the system that was signed.

I know I am not the only rental company that has clients change stuff faster then they do their underwear, so having the button pull the signed contract might not always be valid for the actual items needed.

I think the button should pull what is actually on the order as is in the system "live and current".


Comments (1)


This is what the default packing list was meant to be for. The contract is nice to have as a booking agreement to have the customer sign, but the packing list live updates with the current information of the lead for the worker to use as a "job sheet."

When you make changes to the rentals on the lead with a signed contract, a warning shows up "you may want to generate a new contract"

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