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Workers module

Greg H. shared this idea 7 years ago
Under Consideration

Woukd it be possible that get a button added to the workers options for permissions to allow them to view maps, layouts pictures documents etc that have been attached to an order... We get layouts from our clients and attach them but once in the field the crew can t view them.... So it would be like having the packing list button show up and allow them to click and view docs as needed

Comments (5)


I've submitted the idea for consideration and vetting. It seems like a good idea, we'll just have to look into how feasbile it is to impliment.


Can we PLEASE get this! I think this would be a huge selling point for IO:)


Plus 1 Tammy


Great idea!

I agree I can not think of a reason where it would be a bad thing to have the attachments print along with the contracts. At a minimum have it auto print or have the option to print attachments.


I was not ever worried if they could print it automatically. When our staff is in the field using the workers side of IO outside the main program they have lots of choices of things to view and work with but the attachments are not available for them to view. Having a button for them to be able to view the attachments is want i would like to see.

I think having the attachment view option would be very helpful. We get maps, layouts, drawing, driving maps etc all the time from our clients and attach them to their orders, but when our staff gets into the field they have no access to those unless they have a IO user account and use the full program.

I think it would be just a very useful and helpful tool for the field staff.

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