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Worker Logs

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

In the worker logs when our staff creates a shift for our crew members it logs it as

8/30/201612:27pmShift ID: 546730Shift ID# 546730 Created

since this is already pulling this information shift id etc could it also include the name of the staff member the shift was created for and the lead id associated with the shift.

We have had some issues tracking back some shift changes trying to figure out why a staff member didnt show up for work or show up on the wrong day etc.

I know we can see the info on the staff member shift log but that still doesn't show who did the creation of the shift or the change of the shift

Also can it also log shift deletes like it does shift creates?

Comments (1)


I've updated a task in our product managment system with this request. Seems like a reasonable request, but we'll have to make sure it doesn't adversly effect the load times of things too much.

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