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trying to log into google voice using IO

JP W. shared this question 7 years ago

I have provided log in information to IO but it keeps coming back as unable to log in.

Plus when I check in with google voice they say someone is trying to login from a computer in Detroit.

Is that you or someone else?

Comments (3)


That's not someone else. Thats one of our servers.


Google has made changes to their Voice login, and we are no longer able to support it. We do have an alternative option coming. Stay tuned. Thanks.


so if its working now dont touch it is that the idea :)

we love phone tracking option and how it imports into the crm etc.

willl the new option be a new phone service or do you have any teasers to let us in on?


The new option will work similarly to how our Google Voice integration works in terms of tracking with CRM. I can't tease you with too much because we're testing the capabilities of ourselves, but we're hoping to not lose any functionality that our GV integration offered, and it looks promising.

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