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Status not switching

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Lead 1279135

Event is over, payment posted in full, contract signed and status sill stuck on confirmed

it seems not to want to switch to completed

What do i need to change to make that happen automatically?

I have check the settings and they seem correct but idk

Comments (2)


You the Confirmed status with the attribute "Mark Leads in this Status to the Complete Status after Balance Paid and Event Date has Passed" in Settings->Statuses, so it won't go to completed unless the balance is paid. BUT, at the moment, we don't change statuses when you modify the contract tab yourself on the backend (adding payments manually). We assume when you're on that tab, you'll manually change the status to the appropriate one. We've considered changing this to be automated for back end actions too.


Ok gotcha

I like the idea of auto when a payment is posted though!

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