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Status Level Options

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Inside the status level settings one of the levels states,

"All "save copies" on Higher Status Leads take this Status"

What exactly does that mean?

I read it as clicking any level higher that that particular level will "also" take that lead status, but wanted to confirm that before i used it in an incorrect way.

Comments (2)


Let's say you have a customer call in to "re-book" the same event they had last year. This is a perfect reason to use the "save copy" feature on a lead.

So you go to the old lead, in the "completed" status, Edit it, change the date from last year's date to this year's date, and click "Save Copy."

The new lead shouldn't be in the "Completed" status. So we move it to the status with the attribute "All "save copies" on Higher Status Leads take this Status."

By default, this would be the "hold" status.

Similarly, since we don't copy the "Contract" document with the "Save Copy" into the new lead, it's also a good idea not to copy a lead from the "Contracted" or "Confirmed" status, and have it stay as "Contracted" or "Confirmed."


Totally understand this..

Just today we had a client call and make that exact request!

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