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Staffing issue with pick up staff member

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Order 1392940

i scheduled this order and put the delivery driver of Josh on it for 4/9

I put Cody as the pick up staff for 4/11

Sent out email to staff

then i looked in the overview/workers tab and it shows both staff for the date of 4/9 and doesnt have anything listed for 4/11

all of our pick up info shows for 4/11 and all the dates are set for 4/11 in all the spaces i can find

where did i go wrong because this is a pretty big issue we need to resolve so our pick up crew goes on the right dates

Comments (1)


I imagine the system is confused because the event is set to start at 1pm with a delivery window of 11am, but the first shift for delivery doesn't start until 12:30pm and it spans the entire event. If you set the delivery window of 11am then the vehicle and driver must be scheduled to start prior to 11am otherwise it doesn't make sense.

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