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Save Copy Issue Wordpress Category Links

Richard J. shared this question 5 years ago

I think I've posted this error before but not had a solution...

If you "save/copy" an inventory item to create a new one, the WP link for the original inventory item goes missing (on the category page).

See attached example. We save/copied the black velvet rope to create the white one.

The white rope link is created ok but the black one disappears so we have to manually go into WP and paste the link back into the category page.

I assume this has something to do with an immediate sync from IO to WP when the "save/copy" occurs ?

Comments (1)


Following up on this - even though we've manually entered the link into the category page twice now, it's disappeared again for the original item "Black Velvet Rope to suit Silver Bollard"

See category page here:

Further - why do slugs keep changing on the category page?

ie. they should be entered as the full title name:

but they revert by themselves to short slugs like:

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