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Routing is not picking up all the jobs

jason g. shared this problem 8 years ago
Not a Problem

When i am setting up routes the delivery function is not picking up all the routes to set out for delivery. It will show that a unit needs to be picked up, but not for delivery. It caused major issues last week for me and i thought i made a mistake, but it is doing it again.

Comments (3)


Please let us know the date range you are using on the delivery page, the start hour, and the lead ID of the missing lead. Thanks!


6/4/16 its was number 8 and 9


I'm not sure what you mean by 8 or 9, but I think I found your problem. When I load 6/4/16, two events are missing. If you look at the schedule tab for both of those events (Pink Combo and slip n slide), you will see that there are saved shifts. This made me realize that these leads were originally for events in the past. When editing the lead, instead of saving a copy, I think you saved over it. That left the shifts that were created by the delivery tool when you saved your delivery schedule. Because those were saved to a different day, they didn't show on the delivery tool when you loaded the day you were trying to schedule.

Here's how to prevent the issue in the future. Don't save over a past lead. Instead, save a copy. If you happen to make the mistake of not saving a copy, and you don't want to revert that lead to its original state, there is a way to clear those shifts on the schedule tab so you will see the lead on the delivery tool on the day of the event. You must first look at the date that those shifts are scheduled for. Then load the delivery tool for that date. Find the lead and drag both the delivery and return blocks back to the containers on the left where unscheduled leads show. Then save. Thanks!

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