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Report for rental quantities going out

Matthew I. shared this question 7 years ago

We are trying to figure out how to find out how many of a certain product is being rented out. Can you please tell us a simple way to figure this out. We are trying to figure out how many chairs are going out for friday, saturday, and sunday.


Comments (1)


There are a couple different ways of seeing this:

1) Go to the "Calendar" link at the top of InflatableOffice, and click on any day in the calendar and look at the "Rental Availability" view. This will tell you totals each day for how many are rented.


  • On the leads page, put in a date range filter for Friday - Sunday.
  • In the Keyword box, type "rental: chair" (don't hit enter). Click on the particular chair you want to total up (you can select more than one by repeating this step)
  • Unselect any statuses you don't want to report on
  • (If you want to skip all the previous steps, I just saved a filter for this weekend's chair report that you can select in the Preset/Saved Filters drop down)
  • Click "Customize Report"
  • Drag in the Available Columns: "Rental Name" "Rental Qty"
  • Click "view"
  • (I've saved a Report in your account that you can choose instead of clicking "Customize Report" and building it yourself called "Rental Quantity")

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