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Removing End Date-Time from Quote Request Page

Matthew I. shared this problem 7 years ago

We recently tried to remove the requirement for end date and end time from our quote request page; however, now when you hit submit it errors out and says:

Please correct the following errors:

  • End date/time cannot be empty.
  • Start and end times cannot be the same.

Can someone assist us with this?

Comments (4)


I've brought it back temporarily so your form doesn't error. What is your end goal? An end date and time must be submitted. Is there a duration that all your events are? Do you have restrictions on the start time?


I've put the end date/time fields back for now and fixed the page margins. I created a new "dev" quote request page that we can play with in the future so that we don't disrupt the live page.


That's a really smart way to do it.


I don't necessarily wont to not have an end time, but can I control the times on the quote page to not rotate from whatever the current time is? Can I also set them to a default to only be selected between our delivery hours?


There are ways of hiding the end time, but something needs to get submitted. Are you trying to hide both the start and end time? Are you wanting all events to have the same duration? Are you wanting all events to end at the same time? Knowing some more about you end goals will help us determin the best way to move forward.


I am trying to have all rentals set at 4 hours in duration if possible


So you want the start time to always be something like 12pm and the end time to always be something like 4pm? If so, we can do this for you.

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