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Quotes not booked

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Is there a way to set up quotes that never get booked to move to cancelled status once the event date passes?

Comments (5)


There is not. With our new CRM module and the sales lists, it should enable your sales reps to properly follow-up with all of these with the understanding that they would manually move the status when the lead is dead. Of course you can do the same without the CRM module, but it requires more effort to track the leads. Remember that statuses are used for automatic marketing emails, so you would want to make sure that whatever status you move the leads into, that the status would properly email out those yearly reminder emails later.

Canceled status is for events that cancel. The yearly reminder for leads that didn't make it to event status do not trigger in this status. They only trigger for statuses marked as "admin created" or "customer created" leads. However, leads in the canceled status will get the yearly reminder for past events.


ok im a bit confused....

leads in cancelled status get reminders correct?


Yes, but they are the past event reminders. They may not contain the content you want.


So when an event is in cancelled status they get this email?

Customer - Yearly Reminder (past events)

is that correct?



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