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Promos not showing up

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

I have my weekly specials all set up with the dates but to day i try to use todays and it doesnt show up in the drop down.

The dates are correct for limited time of use, exclude is not checked

so i have no idea

1578352 lead id

Comments (5)


I've confirmed this is a bug. We'll get it fixed but unfortunately I'm not sure it will be released today in time.


We've discovered the source of the issue: the promo period was recently made to use the lead creation date instead of the "last modified" date. The lead we were working on was created before the promo period. A new lead would have worked.


So does that mean its fixed or what do we have to do?

it would be hard to delete leads everytime a client puts in a quote and then later calls to take advantage of a deal or promo.


A save-copy would also get them the deal because the copy would be created on the new date. We're considering making the "creation date" an editable field now because of this.


Not knowing your coding, but..

Couldnt you just check the promo date against todays date and then allow or disallow it based on todays date?

Then that would keep the created date firm to avoid confusion in the system and keep people from changing the created date when it comes to first come first serve rentals.?

Also an option could be a pop up that say coupon not valid date range etc and give you a manual overide but i think the first option would be way easier and cleaner for the system.


This is exactly the reason why it was changed. We had a customer quote someone during a promo period, then edit the lead at a future date and lose the promo. It's a matter of opinion on which way is more correct, and the way it was changed allows for both.

Changing the creation date wouldn't change the log. This is pretty much the only behavior it would have if we went that route.

General improvements are coming in the future to promos and fees which will allow for more functionality, but it's a large project that's going to take some time to roll out.

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