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Promo Code Not Holding

Greg H. shared this question 7 years ago

Today we have our special sale for Thursdays

Money Machine 1/2 off

Lead id 1844026

Promo Code TYT110316

it shows up to add it in the drop down but will not hold on the order

Comments (4)


This promo says the customer should be getting another particular rental 50% off, but that other rental isn't selected.


i want it to be 50% off that one particular item

so today its the money machine at 50% off

but also need to give it 50% off only that item not the full order.

how do i set up the promo then?


You have it close, but you didn't give 50%off the money machine. The promo says 50% off something else... but it looks like you might have just changed that. I've edited the lead and it stuck.


Ok here is some thoughts on promo codes

look at lead 1841246

the quote was created on 10/31

today 11/25 they want to apply our Black Friday Coupon but it wont allow it because it was created on 10/31

if you check todays date in the code it would allow it to apply.

if you check modified date in the code it would then drop any coupon that was applied that doesnt fall into the todays date range if you had to make a change to the order

so my thoughts are this to update the code.

check for coupon already applied

check all 3 dates, created, modified and todays date and if the coupon range is anywhere in any of those 3 dates leave it applied or allow it to apply.

it would require these three checks when applying a new coupon or making a change to the order has a coupon already applied.

im not the programmer but that seems that this would work with the 3 date checks along with the check of coupon code.

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