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products available by state

Steve M. shared this question 7 years ago

We have products that are only available in certain states. It would be nice if there was a feature where you could check a box next to each state where the product was allowed. Then, when someone creates a quote, it would gray out those products that are not allowed. Any chance of something like this coming soon??

Comments (4)


Usually this is controlled in a multi-location account by not sharing the item with a location in a state where you don't want to make the item available. I can see if your location is near the border of a state that this may be helpful. The other option currently is to have different quoting pages per state that you direct customers to, and then prohibit the item from showing on that page. Another option is to restrict booking for that item so you have a chance to contact the customer if you can't deliver that item in their state. I'll put a task in for your request, but I do not think it will be done soon.


Our main location serves 4 states, and certain items are allowed in 2 of the states and not allowed in the other 2 so sharing is not the issue here. We could set up different quoting pages per state, but directing customers there will be hit-or-miss. However, even if we did this effectively, how would we "prohibit the item from showing on that page"?


I don't necessarily recommend trying different pages per state, but if you did, you would do it this way. First you would create duplicate pages in the pages/templates link in the settings. For these duplicate pages, you would need a unique page name like Big Fun Ohio and Big Fun California. Then you would edit the inventory item and go to Advanced Features->Pages. When you click that link, you'll be able to select the specific pages you want it to display on at the top. You would probably leave the category set to default.


I'll give it some thought...thanks!

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