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Josh C. shared this question 6 years ago

I saw the release notes this morning. Is there a way to create a Package when an open combination of items from various categories are created? For exampled, we'd create a "Lounge Package" If a client has 2 of any chairs, 1 of any couch, 1 of any coffee table, 2 sides tables and 1 rug that automatically creates a discount that over rides those individual prices?

Comments (1)


Yes, by adding a "package item" as an accessory to another "package item."

  1. First, create a package called "2 Chairs" and add all the possible chairs as accessories to it.
  2. Then, do the same with another Package "1 Coffee table," "2 Side Tables," and "1 rug." Their price can be $0. Make sure all the Accessories have the "override price" column checked.
  3. Then, create a package "Lounge Package" and add all those other packages that were just created as Accessories with the "override price" column checked.

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