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Notes carried forward

Tom S. shared this question 10 years ago

It is nice to have notes carried forward onto new events from last event, but it can also cause confusion about whether the note applied to the current event, or just a past event. Is it possible to date stamp a note in public or private notes to avoid assuming the note is for the current event?

Best Answer

The CRM add-on now has the ability to leave Journal entries that mark the time and the staff leaving the note. These stay only with that event. Customer and Event notes will likely remain the way they always have.

Comments (3)


This feature is planned for the future.


Event notes shouldn't carry over to future leads. They are specific to that event. Customer Notes do stick with the customer profile, and Venue Notes stick with the Venue.


The CRM add-on now has the ability to leave Journal entries that mark the time and the staff leaving the note. These stay only with that event. Customer and Event notes will likely remain the way they always have.

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