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More clarification on electronic signature page

Lora C. shared this idea 7 years ago
Under Consideration

If I had a dollar for every customer who cant figure out how to sign the contract electronically from a desktop, I'd be able to pay next month's IO subscription :-). The interface is fine, but there's really no explanation/instructions indicating that the customer must click their mouse and hold it and drag it to 'draw' a signature. The second most popular issue is they just dont see the box below that says"print your name here". Maybe it's just the style/css on our page, idk, but it's very greyed out and doesnt stand out. Maybe a darker/ bolder font would help along with a more well-defined box. A step further might be to include a small red number and graphic arrow next to each step 1) > next to signature box, 2> next to the print your name here box 3> check box 4>submit button.

Just a thought...not a big deal but I can confidently say that we get 5+ calls/week about it during peak season, and I'm sure many more who dont call.

Comments (12)


I agree. I'll see what we can do soon. Maybe inserting an big instruction to "use mouse to sign here" only when it detects they're on a desktop, and darkening that box will help.


I would agree at first glance there is a lot of information on the page, and they are not obviously led through the steps of signing. The signature button is pretty obvious though, and if they click it and did not fill something in, we put an error in a big red box that tells them what they forgot. Part of the difficulty is that everyone uses this differently. Some people don't push the signatures, some do. I'll see if we can come up with a solution.


Just some food for thought. Not a huge deal at the end of the day, but after we repeat something to the customer often enough, we try to point it out as I'm sure others deal with the same. Not the end of the world, for sure. But function vs form is a battle I'm sure you struggle with regularly. Keep adding, adding, adding stuff and things get cluttered and less intuitive. Simpligy things too much and you cant have as much functionality as you'd like. I get it...just trying to help :-)


I agree it could be better. If we can come up with a solution, we will. This area is important to us. Thanks for the feedback.


I agree with making the box yellow or something for starters


I think the type in your name box needs some type of highlight also..

and the accept box needs some highlight..

maybe if all 3 was yellow and a message under the click here to sign and say complete all the yellow boxes to continue etc.

mabye when they click to sign then all the boxes switch to yellow to give them a visual que


We have it on the list. Thanks guys!


Might help in the meantime, but we made our instructions big and as simple as possible. Reduced alot of confusion and phone calls! Attached is a screenshot of our current page.

But since you guys are taking suggestions for streamlining the checkout process, please please please consider making the signature panel automatically collapse once the signature has been accepted. I still get "I just signed, where do I pay?" calls even though the payment window automatically opens just under the signature panel.


We could write some custom Javascript that would do this for a one time fee of $25.


I know you can, but my suggestion is meant as a broad suggestion so that everyone could benefit from additional streamlining of their pages, not just me. Plus, it would save me $25 :D - How broke would I be If I had to pay for every suggestion that was implemented! I could put in a formal suggestion if you prefer and see if it gets voted enough to go on the list?


Jessie I feel ya I'd be broke too lol


we have totally spelled out on our contract page how to sign a contract, type in your name check the boxes etc.

we have even went to the point of telling our clients on this page to send us your tax exempt forms etc trying to cut down on confusions etc.


We've made some improvements for the next release. Will close signature area once signed. Also scrolls up to errors when customer misses something signing. I think the errors are very clear and should resolve signing issues. The page didn't scroll up before so customer may not have seen them.


Thank you for this!


That will be an AMAZING addition


Since you're already using a pop-up to accept the terms, why not a pop-up for errors? No way to miss that. If not, make that green/red box up top as big as you can. It gets lost easily on the page as it is.

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