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make reservation option not working

R.J. F. shared this problem 7 years ago

When any customer clicks on make a reservation after their quote it kicks them out, erases their info and makes them fill out it out again only to keep doing the same thing to them. The auto-book is not working. Please help. thanks

Comments (2)


What's the lead ID?


2661903 this is the lead that it happened to me on, but it has happened to many leads that have tried to make a reservation over the last week or so


My test allowed this to move directly to the contract. Any details about this that you may know would be helpful.

Was this your test, or an actual customer doing this?

Do you know if what web browser was being used?

How did you learn that the customer clicked that button and was brought back to a blank quote form instead of the contract?

Did I describe this behavior correctly in my last question?


This was my test, but I had multiple customers tell me they filled out the quote form then clicked "book" and it took them back to empty quote screen where they had to fill all the info in again. So I tried it and it did the same thing to me. Did you try filling out a new quote form and requesting a contract? thanks


I was able to reproduce it finally. We'll get it fixed for you ASAP. Thank you for your patients.

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