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Guest shared this question 7 years ago

Lately we are noticing discrepancies in links. For example, Click on the Tropical Slip n Slide on the invoice (contract) expecting to see a picture of the slip n slide, and instead the link goes to the setting page for The American Adventure. Click on smart phone for an event in the calendar and instead of the event clicked on, another event pops up. Back up, enlarge so the click is without a doubt on the proper event, and the link is still corrupt to another event. particularly disturbing when in the field trying to confirm details for a customer and the links do no match the click.

Comments (2)


With the inventory, are you referring to your website or a link in inflatable office to the inventory settings?

Do you have any example dates/events in the calendar we can look at where the link is incorrect? Are you using the InflatableOffice App, or the calendar on a phone/tablet?

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