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Leads dissapeared for no reason lead ID: 2274547 and 2266546

Paublo R. shared this problem 7 years ago

Last Sundays leads disappeared. 3 out of 4 leads are gone. Im concerned about upcoming events disapearing

Comments (3)


2274547 is still in your account. My guess is that maybe you have lead filters applied to your leads. 2266546 is not a lead that ever existed, so there might be a typo in that number.


it happened again. I had 1 event on friday june 2nd 2017. None of my statuses is in black letter and i notice yesterday (saturday june 3rd 2017) it was in black letters (status) now its gone


I think you may have deleted the status that it was in so it is having trouble finding it. Were you editing your status settings lately?


I've ran a script so that any Lead in your account that was in a status that didn't exist is now in the "definite" status because I could see in our logs that it looks like many leads were changed to this status before having their status removed. It looks like some leads where in this status before but the status itself was deleted then re-added. The ones that were in that status before just had blank statuses from when it was deleted. We'll look into making this better.

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