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Lead did not auto send any emails...

Bill G. shared this problem 10 years ago
Not a Problem

Lead ID: 610880

Manually sent email to client on 6/16. No emails suppressed, yet no additional communication sent...

I now have the FunFlicks call center using IO for the most part, and heavily rely on this functionality...

Best Answer

What auto email do you expect or want to go out? When a lead is manually entered by an administrator, we do not send the recent quote email. We assume that if you are creating the lead, you will immediately send an email to the customer instead of waiting for an auto email. Additionally, you may be creating a variety of leads but are not ready for it to send to the customer. We would not want to send it to the customer if you are not ready to have them see it. For example, you may be working on a big event and you've started to get the quote together but are waiting for a subcontractor to get back to you. In this case you would not want the auto email to go out. Does this make sense?

It is working as designed. Do you know if the FunFlicks main office is communicating with the customer after building a quote? If you want them to send your recent quote email, they can do so by clicking the email button and selecting that template after generating the quote.

Comments (14)


Another one from same time frame: Lead 610776; created 6/16 - quote sent, no emails until 7/5.

These are lost opportunities...


Another one from same time frame: Lead 613919 created 6/18 - quote manually emailed as normal, no auto emails sent...


Another one - 595662 - created 6/3 quote sent, no additional emails sent...

Another one - 579320 - created 5/21 quote sent, no additional auto emails sent


Another - 572308 created 5/16 - quote sent - no other email until visitor feedback on 6/27...

Basically if we quote it should send a 3 day reminder - this does not appear to be happening.


And another...566661




What auto email do you expect or want to go out? When a lead is manually entered by an administrator, we do not send the recent quote email. We assume that if you are creating the lead, you will immediately send an email to the customer instead of waiting for an auto email. Additionally, you may be creating a variety of leads but are not ready for it to send to the customer. We would not want to send it to the customer if you are not ready to have them see it. For example, you may be working on a big event and you've started to get the quote together but are waiting for a subcontractor to get back to you. In this case you would not want the auto email to go out. Does this make sense?

It is working as designed. Do you know if the FunFlicks main office is communicating with the customer after building a quote? If you want them to send your recent quote email, they can do so by clicking the email button and selecting that template after generating the quote.


They are sending the Customer - Quote email manually while talking to the customer.

The Customer - Recent Quote is set to automatically be send to the customer 3 days after a quote is sent. It is not sending it.

Two emails being discussed:


Configuration of Customer - Recent Quote:


My expectation is that this email would go out 3 days since the last quote, and this is not happening. Please explain how this is "as designed".


I understand after a more through reading of your email that there may be occasions when I would not want the "Recent Quote" email to go out. My understanding is that is when I would suppress the auto-email using that tab.

The expectation is:

- The lead contacts us, we build a quote, and use the manual send Customer-Quote

- If, after 3 days, the client has not booked, the Automatic Customer-Recent Quote email is sent.

Looking at the setup for those two emails, that is what I would expect. If that is not how they are configured, please advise what changes I need to make to match my scenario.


This auto email is not designed to go out on any lead input by an InflatableOffice user. It is meant to go out to any visitor to your website that got their own quote. As I mentioned in my previous post,there are a number of reasons why we did this. I put some of those reasons in my previous post. I can see why you would want an automated followup email to go out. Let me think about how we could do that. The difficulty is knowing what leads you would want a followup email to send for.


Yes please, this email is critical - if people don't want to use it, I assume they could make it inactive. It takes several touches to get a sale, and that one is instrumental. One and done is not a feasible model. It is ironic that it does send an email 2 weeks after the event they did not book - I would rather drop that one!!

I think FunFlicks only has one "user" that allows online booking - I want to move there, but awaiting the ability of the customer to see real time availability.


And for me, if I have created a quote, I am sending it manually right then. I would want that to be the trigger. If for some reason I do not want the reminder, I can go to the auto-email tab and suppress it.

If anyone does not want it at all, they can keep it inactive!


Yes, we spoke about it and came up with the same solution. We will work it into a future release. Thanks!


Awesome - I will talk to the phone center about changing their process in the interim to insure we are touching our customers enough.

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