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Items are getting double booked with no indication (red)

Michelle W. shared this problem 10 years ago

We have caught a few double bookings, some a little too late. Need this fixed asap. With over 300 rentals per week, this causes us major problems. Already issued customer service credits to upset clients.

Best Answer

The delivery window was not being properly taken into account. This has been fixed.

Comments (2)


The delivery window was not being properly taken into account. This has been fixed.


We are having this same problem with double bookings units that are not appearing red because they are booked on another lead. This is a huge problem and I know I have brought this up before. To be honest I'm tired of these delivery windows and set-up windows causing problems. I would really appreciate it if a unit is booked out on the day than it shows up as booked (red), bottom line, no "IFs", "Ands" or "Buts".

If you need examples please look at July 1st (our busiest day of the year)

I'm sorry for being harsh, but we can't afford to be making mistakes and letting our customers down. Please make it right.

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