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IO merging info on two accounts with same company name, but need that to stop

Deb C. shared this question 9 years ago

Colleges have different departments that schedule events and IO is merging the information. I have to have the info separated so I have specific contact names, phonenumbers and email addresses for each event. Look at IOwaWestern Comm College, it's all messed up.

Comments (1)


We don't merge the profiles by Organization name automatically (for the reason you listed). It looks like when you are creating a lead, you are starting by typing in the organization name, and actually choosing one off the list customers that already exists. Then you're editing the name/contact info. When you edit the name/contact info, that area turns pink and some warning text shows up that "Saving updates customer's profile!"

What you need to do is create a new customer profile unless you want it to override the one you are editing. There is a checkbox next to the customer name to do this.

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