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Inventory Log

Greg H. shared this question 7 years ago

I know inventory loads 15 or so events in the log for each item.

Is there a way to override the date it used when inside that log?

Like if i wanted to look at an item for 7/1 to 7/15 in the log?

it would be helpful to be able to change the date range as needed on the log if possible

Also maybe in the log you could have come check boxes to remove cancelled events or quotes etc like we do in leads to be able to narrow down what shows in the logs on an as needed basis

Comments (2)


Are you aware you can do this from the leads page? In the keyword box, type "rental: " followed by the name of any rental. And then you can stack any other filter on top of that.


No but i know now !

and it did what i needed it to :)

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