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How to create a lead filter for all quotes or bookings by month

Brian R. shared this question 8 years ago

I want to do an email blast to customers that have gotten an quote or booked their event during a certain month For example, I want to send an email to everyone that got a quote for events in any December in the past, is this possible?

Comments (1)


The only way to do this is to make multiple copies of that email newsletter with the appropriate filters applied. You cannot make a filter that has an OR statement, only ANDs. So you would want to make a filter where the event date is during the month of December 14 and attach it to an email. Then do the same for Decembers of other years. We do not yet have the create date of the lead as something you can filter, so you can't use that one. However, you could try using Book Date as a filter as well to get additional clients that were working on an event during that time.

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