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How to change the order of Leads on the workers site?

Guest shared this question 6 years ago

On the backend, you can set the order by saving a report and setting your account to use that report for the leads page view. Contact us through our support channels for help in doing this.

Help please

Comments (5)


We don't currently have this for the mobile leads page on the workers site. I'll add your request to our development system.


Our app does allow this though if you save a filter, each user in the app can log in and save their default filter.


You are not the most stupid person on the Internet. You chose to use InflatableOffice. That shows a lot of smarts. :)

You want to make a filter with the "Last X days" option. You choose it instead of "fixed range." Set the value to as many days in the future that you and then sort by the start date by clicking it's heading on the leads list. You may also want to choose what statuses should show up. This will be a better solution than the Coming Events filter. Make sure you save the filter and then you can set it as the default filter for any worker that you want to see it this way.

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