Getting Locked out from Inflatable Office
I'm using Mozilla Firefox as my default and Windows 8.1 (unfortunately).Several times a day, I am finding that I will be working in Inflatable Office and it will sit on a "loading page" screen and will never load the page (happens more when I'm working in Inventory and Delivery tab). I will close the window and then type in in the address bar and it tells me that the page will not load. I go to Internet Explorer and it will say the page is unavailable. I will go to Chrome and experience the same issue. I can't log in to for approxiamtely 5 - 10 minutes. After those 5to10 minutes, it seems that it releases me to finally be able to view the website and log in again. Any ideas what the issue may be? I was thinking maybe it was the IP Address but I logged into my laptop once and although I couldn't use all 3 of those browsers, I could find at least one that would let me log in.
It could be a number of issues, but it is most likely the fact that our server is experiencing high load times at certain times of the day. We have an additional server we are using to prevent this. The final fix for it will not be out until next week. Until then, we are manually managing the servers daily and because of this there are times when we miss that the load is high. The servers will handle this automatically once our new code is out. Sorry for the trouble.
It could be a number of issues, but it is most likely the fact that our server is experiencing high load times at certain times of the day. We have an additional server we are using to prevent this. The final fix for it will not be out until next week. Until then, we are manually managing the servers daily and because of this there are times when we miss that the load is high. The servers will handle this automatically once our new code is out. Sorry for the trouble.
It could be a number of issues, but it is most likely the fact that our server is experiencing high load times at certain times of the day. We have an additional server we are using to prevent this. The final fix for it will not be out until next week. Until then, we are manually managing the servers daily and because of this there are times when we miss that the load is high. The servers will handle this automatically once our new code is out. Sorry for the trouble.
It could be a number of issues, but it is most likely the fact that our server is experiencing high load times at certain times of the day. We have an additional server we are using to prevent this. The final fix for it will not be out until next week. Until then, we are manually managing the servers daily and because of this there are times when we miss that the load is high. The servers will handle this automatically once our new code is out. Sorry for the trouble.
I'm still having this issue. I literally have Firefox (my favorite choice with use on IO), Chrome and IE11 installed on my computer. If I somehow "lock myself out" of IE11, it also affects my ability to log in on Firefox and I'm locked out there as well. However, good old chrome lets me log in every time. I will even go back to IE11 and Firefox and I won't have the ability to log in for 10 or so minutes. Do you still think this is a server issue???? It normally happens when I'm doing something that the system sits in the "PLEASE WAIT" mode and it is just frozen. I will then try to log back in and it won't let me even load the page in both Firefox and IE11. Strange!!!!
I'm still having this issue. I literally have Firefox (my favorite choice with use on IO), Chrome and IE11 installed on my computer. If I somehow "lock myself out" of IE11, it also affects my ability to log in on Firefox and I'm locked out there as well. However, good old chrome lets me log in every time. I will even go back to IE11 and Firefox and I won't have the ability to log in for 10 or so minutes. Do you still think this is a server issue???? It normally happens when I'm doing something that the system sits in the "PLEASE WAIT" mode and it is just frozen. I will then try to log back in and it won't let me even load the page in both Firefox and IE11. Strange!!!!
We recommend not using IE. When you have issues with FireFox, it is likely a cookie issue. You can look into how to remove individual cookies in FireFox documentation. This should not be a server issue. It is most likely a computer or browser issue. You should be able to use all three at the same time.
We recommend not using IE. When you have issues with FireFox, it is likely a cookie issue. You can look into how to remove individual cookies in FireFox documentation. This should not be a server issue. It is most likely a computer or browser issue. You should be able to use all three at the same time.
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