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For distance charges, how to use both a minimum order and charge a delivery fee?
We have not seen how to calculate for both a minimum order amount for a zip code/city and the distance to that venue. We want City A to have a $75 delivery charge and a $300 minimum order. Currently, we can only do 1 or the other in the system. Has this been addressed yet?
If you turn on "restrict by total" in Settings->Distance Charges, it will still respect the charges you have in your zipcode tab. The issue is just that it will also quote things outside those zipcodes as well. But it looks like your zipcode list is fairly extensive, so that shouldn't be a huge problem. You could put in a large delivery cost as a "fall back" solution for users who put in a zipcode not in your list.
If you turn on "restrict by total" in Settings->Distance Charges, it will still respect the charges you have in your zipcode tab. The issue is just that it will also quote things outside those zipcodes as well. But it looks like your zipcode list is fairly extensive, so that shouldn't be a huge problem. You could put in a large delivery cost as a "fall back" solution for users who put in a zipcode not in your list.
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