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Equipment Rental Log

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

When you go to a specific Inventory item and click on the log it shows a bunch of information, which is great and useful, but can that log have the LEAD ID added as a column?

When you go there to view that information, I wanted to do a print screen so we can review our warehouse sheets for those orders but the LEAD ID isnt available unless we click on each lead.

Comments (2)


This is probably better done as a report from the leads page. In the Keyword filter, you can filter leads by that rental. You can start to type the rental name in Keyword and it will say "rental: slip and slide" as a search result that can be clicked. Or to ONLY get rentals in the search results type "rental: " before entering the rental's name. Then, build a lead report dragging in the columns that you want in there. This will allow you to filter even more aswell such as status and/or event date range.


well duh that was easy!

I never thought about doing that way


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