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Delivery Module - Sending me around in circles

WILSON C. shared this question 8 years ago

trying to setup the deliveries for Sunday March 13th, 2016

Leads# 1311112, 1323212

I've been working on scheduling these jobs for the past 15 minutes.

If I auto load 2 jobs into the delivery time line why doesn't the system just assign the jobs to the vehicle they are in on the timeline. (attachment 1)

when I go to print it says that the 2 jobs do not have a vehicle assigned...(the other attachment)

so I click on the lead and try to add the vehicle manually and it defaults back to "driver" when I it will only let me add shifts for workers not vehicles. .rending certain printing jobs like "Vehicle Packing List" useless since it won't register the items needed to pack.

Comments (3)


It looks like you've made several changes to this since posting this issue and the problem is resolved that you described. But the lead/schedule appears to have other issues. I'm not sure how you're making these changes or what the schedule is that you're trying to create.


Thanks guys, I kind of figured it out. I realized that you can setup the delivery window and the shifts right in the delivery tab when setting up the jobs on the timeline.

I though you had to manually enter them in the schedule tab of each lead. but then I saw it automatically updates everything. also all order assigned to a vechile seems to be getting to the vehicle packing list now.




No problem!

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