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Delivery Charges

Greg H. shared this question 7 years ago

I have 2 orders and are comparing them

2483535 shows the basic delivery we charge not by mileage but by set rate

2483949 shows distance.. we do not use distance

why would it do different on orders?

Comments (1)


Lead 2483535 has a zipcode in your list of zipcodes, so it charges exactly what's defined there. The other lead does not, so it falls back to the "per mile" rate you have defined. But it's not doing it straight to the address, because you have it set to "Straight Line By Zip Code"


Straight line by zipcode means it will calculate a distance from the center of your zipcode to the center of their zipcode, not driving distance. This is a setting that works well for some of our customers that used InflatableOffice before we had the ability to do driving distance calculations (a long time ago).

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