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CRM Deletions

Greg H. shared this question 6 years ago

with the updated feature of deleting CRM notes that are your own, is there a way to NOT allow this.

After talking about todays release with my staff they was concerned about a user adjusting their CRM notes or deleting them all together .

I have to agree deleting is not a good option unless you can have a permission to allow only certain staff to have the capability.

Comments (4)


As it is, you can only delete a note you put in. So, no one can delete anyone else's notes. Do you still think a permission is necessary to keep someone from deleting a note they made?


Our conversation we had was if susie puts in a crm and then later decides she doesnt want to have that in there because she wants to act like she didnt talk to the client.. lets say client calls and says be sure to tell the crew to bring tarps and she puts it in the crm..then crew forgets them and the client calls complaining saying they talked to susie.. well susie could delete those comments to cover her tracks..not a good thing cause then the company looks like we are not doing what we was asked of.

This came from our staff cause they know how it goes .. "it rolls down hill" and staff does whatever they can to cover their own butts.


Do you believe logging what was deleted would be sufficient enough of a prevention of this behavior?


Woukd it log what was removed or just that a removal took place

, what about if it was removed it's stayed in the CRM and just did a strikethrough through it and say who struck through it or change the color of a removed one and still keep it in there


That's a pretty good idea.

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