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Credit Card Type

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Is there a way to include a field that we can put on our credit card receipts that shows the type of card they customer used?

We currently have to log into our processing site find the transaction and then mark our paperwork accordingly

I think it would be helpful to our clients also if it appeared on the receipt to them. Today we had a client call and ask if she paid with her AMEX or VISA.. so we had to look back and research.

What is your thoughts on this?

Comments (2)


There are some receipt improvements in the works. I'll add this to the list. Thanks.


any movement on this .. would be nice to get logos! ;)


We haven't done much specifically with the logos. We ran into some issues with not want to submit the card data to our server (for security reasons) and processing the data to know which card type they used. The task got put on hold, but I've updated it to evaluate it's priority again.

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