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Conflicting Events

Tom S. shared this question 9 years ago

Richard Crowley; this is an example of something we frequently see. When a customer books the same attraction under several different quote requests, his attraction will show in red as unavailable. We can hover to see if it is unavaialble due to his own conflicting schedule, but when the event is finally booked under one of the quotes and the other quotes are deleted, the attraction still shows up as unavailable (in red). Is there a way to have that disappear short of deleting the entire quote and starting over?

Comments (1)


1) I'm only seeing a quote listed with a conflict for this customer. This means that, if the customer were to book this quote, it would cause a conflict. Even though it's the same customer, we still account for the fact that they can't book the same equipment twice. We have clients who do multiple events for the same customer in the same day, so this isn't something that we'll be changing.

But I believe this is different than what you are describing, so...

2) It's possible that you see a conflict flag after deleting other leads because we haven't re-checked for conflicts on the actual booked lead. As far as speed goes, conflict checking is time consuming, so we don't do it on a lead until it's opened. Clicking on the lead will check for conflicts and remove the flag if the conflict was resolved. After you open the lead, it will check for conflicts and unflag it in the database, but you may still see an exclamation point displayed on the page until the page is reloaded. This is because gathering that list of leads is also a fairly data intense process, so we don't want to reload the list with every click you make on the page.

We'll see what we can do about updating some of these things in the background to improve how we display it while maintaining efficient load times.

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