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Black List Customers

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Is there a way to blacklist a customer?

We have some customers who book an event then cancel or write bad checks or are just plain Ole PITA that we do not want book events with.

We need a way to tag them as no rent or blacklist or have to have management override to allow bookings.

At a bare minimum we need to have a pop up or something to stop the process

Any ideas??


Comments (2)


There is not yet, but it is high on our priority list to create.


Any updates on this yet?


Yes this is now possible. If you open the customer profile in the address book, just above where you can edit the customer notes is a checkbox to blacklist them. It doesn't prevent them from getting a quote, but it prevents them from autobooking and shows a warning on the backend to any user working with their lead.

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