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Alerts Section

Greg H. shared this question 8 years ago

Is there a way yet to edit the alerts section,

Example I would like to add the lead number to the subject lines of our alerts so when a client with more than one event responds or it sends to us we know which one it is for?


Comments (5)


There is not. We have plans to move these into the email center to allow more flexibility, but it is not schedule to happen soon. Is there an alert in particular where you see this problem?


nothing super in particular

we just add our lead id to all the paperwork we can.

We have a client that does like 70 events a year with us and they are sometimes 3-4 per week and when they new shift has been accepted email comes in the only way we can find out which exact shift its for is to go to the lead where as if it had the lead id showing we could just use that

regardless its not a killer issue but would be great to be able to customize like other forms


I've added the ID to the subject of the worker shift accepted/declined alerts for the next release. Thanks.


has there been any movement on this yet..?

if not could you add (leadid) to the end of our Survey customer email.



I've added it to the end of the subject

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