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Additional Price Item!

david m. shared this question 7 years ago


We offer second day rental for $100. Im looking a way to calculate "X" price be up to 14hrs; counting 14hrs is one(1) day. Anything after 14 hours the price is "X"+ 100 until 28 hrs. So, for every 14 hours after the first 14 hrs price should be "X" +100 per/14hrs. For example: Day 1=180; day 2=day 1+ 100; day 3= day2 +100.

I have try different ways under price details but cant make it work. I was also thinking on doing a Promotion" Special" where it would allow customer add a sencond day rental for $100 of the same item in the same lead.

Thank in advance for your assitance. Please let me know how much would be for your time to find a way to make this possible. Thanks.

Comments (1)


I've set the Item Price for "castle 1" to correctly do this for you.

The price should read:

The price is $_x_ until _14_ hours.

After 14 hours the price is $_100_ EVERY _14_ hours.

Charge $100.00 per every 14 hours until the end of time.

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