Doubled Up Data - API

Jordan N. shared this question 4 years ago

We're seeing some weird results come through in IO from bookings made on our new site


6689727 - booking shows the same item doubled up across 2 line items however the total is correct? There is only 1 of this inventory so how could the customer on the front end get 2 of them displayed?

6695299 - Customer booking showed 2 x delivery charge fees however the total again was correct ie. Line items showed 2 x delivery charges however total only counted 1 (this has been deleted by us now but you can check log).

Where is this going haywire?

Comments (1)


We were having some server errors at the times these came through...doesn't seem to still be happening but if you see this again please let us know! Sorry for the inconvenience!


Ok thanks. If that is the case, it would be an idea to put out an alert or something?

Our first instict is to go searching at our end to discover what's gone wrong and we go around in circles not being able to replicate the error so it's a waste of both time and money passing onto our developers.

Just a thought.


Normally we would if there seem to be an issue...but this was the first we heard of any problem at that time! No one else reported anything. (probably because of the time of the server issue)


So can we be sure then that the "server issue" caused these double ups (given that nobody else has had the issue)?

The 2 leads were created 17 hours apart?


I do have a ticket in for this to be sure there's no underlying issues...but we can see none right now! But will keep you posted!

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