Limit pickup time on July 4Th before dark and fireworks

Cameron R. shared this question 4 years ago

How can I limit the pickup time for 4th of July? Don't want anything out past dark.

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There isn't a place to automatically set the end time of events to be before dark, you'll have to do this manually. You could set a Latest Available Time in your Delivery Methods on the 4th and then remove it on the 5th but you wouldn't be able to set this up just for the 4th without manually adding this and removing it. Let me know if you have any questions!


I just want customers getting quotes or booking to not be able to book past 7:00 pm on that date only. All other dates are fine left at 8:00 pm the way I have it now. Please instruct me on how and if I can do that. Thanks!


This issue is that we cannot do this for a specific date, it can only be turned on or off. You would turn it on by going to each Delivery Method and setting a Latest Available Time, then when you are ready to offer events past 7:00 you would go and remove this setting.

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