Hiding part of an item name

Skylar P. shared this question 21 months ago
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Is there a way to hide part of an item name? For example I currently have "Bengaline (120" round)" is there a way to hide the "(120 round)" portion of the name so that it does not display on our site but I can still see it in the inventory and leads pages?

Comments (5)


Off the top of my head. The only way I can see doing that is if you used the item serial number field to put the (102 rounds). But then you'd have to use the variable (*rentalserialnumber* ) to put in your packing list, contracts and invoices


Is Bengaline a rental item or an accessory? If it's a rental item, you could make "120 Round" an accessory, then you'd have control over where each is displayed. I'm guessing it's already an accessory, so this won't work.


Another option that may work is using vendor items. The reason this could work is because vendor items and accessories have a field built into them that only shows up on your end (lead page & packing list), but not on any customer facing pages. I can't quite think this all the way through without understanding more about how this is set up in your inventory. What is the main item, and how are accessories structured?


Hopefully someone from support will see this, because it could be very useful... Vendor items are structured so that the vendor name only shows up on our end, and not on any customer facing pages. Can that concept be replicated to add a field to inventory items that does the same thing?


The linen size "108" Round" is the main item (it is a vendor item). The Bengaline fabric type is also a rental item but is in the "hidden category" and listed as an accessory to the linen size. The linen colors are listed as an accessory to the fabric type. The reason I have the 108" round in the name of the fabric type is because I have the price linked to the fabric type and size so I have made a rental item for each fabric type and corresponding size.

Here is a link to show you how it is currently displaying on our site.



Do customers rent linens only, or do they always rent tables, then choose linens? When I selected tables on your site, there was no way to add linens without going to find that item on my own. That seems very complicated. Do customers mess it up all the time? Why not add the corresponding linen size as an accessory to each table? That way you'd pick a table size (main item), then fabric & color before adding them to the cart. At that point, I'm not quite understanding why you need to have 108" round in the name. That's on me. I need to set it up in my system to see it. Do you use autosave and conditional pricing? I don't, so I'm not sure what is possible, but maybe that will allow you to structure your pricing a defferent way. This is getting complicated, so let me check with Chad behind the scenes.

I did notice that your website doesn't have a shopping cart in the top right corner, like you see on most websites. I thought that made it a little confusing to checkout after shopping around the website.


Customers rent linens only occassionaly but that is a good idea to have it as an accessory to the table. I tried that a few years ago with the old IO and it just didn't work having the table, then the table cloth as an accessory and then all the colors as accessories to the accessory, too cumbersome on the leads page, there was some issue with not being able to collapse the accessories list. Might work with new IO though.


I think that configuration looks really nice on the new leads page. As far as your main question goes, Chad and I agree that the best way to achieve what you're trying to do, is put 108" Round as your serial number. That will display on your leads page, but not on customer facing forms. Other options include:

  • Simplify your pricing structure to have a basic linen price, and a premium linen price.
  • Base price of whatever your cheapest linen is, then add to the price with each upgrade option they choose. Some options have no additional charge, and some do.
  • Sell it all and get a bunch of carnival rides and rock walls. Haha

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