Groupings for Large Leads

Corey L. shared this idea 13 hours ago

We often quote multi-day events (Thu, Fri, Sat), or large events with several "areas" (kiddie zone, family zone, 21+ only, etc.).

I would love the ability to "group" certain offerings to make large quotes more manageable. Think "add header" but on steriods.... some ideas on how this would function:

  • A group could have the option to be "package priced" (like an impromptu package)
  • A group could display on the quote as a drop-down / accordian instead of focing several page long quotes
  • A group could be dragged / moved up & down in the backend as a "single unit" (like when moving grouped graphics in powerpoint)
  • A group could be displayed with notes that apply to the entire group (*groupnotes*)
  • A group, even if not "priced like a package" could optionally display a subtotal
  • A group could be utilized to impact worker schedules, or to make shifts
  • A group could be assigned a separate vehicle, or an additional trip
  • A group could be given a "group name" that would make ongoing customer communications easier to discuss

Comments (1)


If you type in an area into the item search bar and then select Heading. You can put things under that heading. IF you need to have the same item under multiple headings, you have to expand that items options and click the duplicate. We do this sort of thing all the time.

But it can't do EVERYTHING you listed. A lot, yes, but not everything.


I know... but I want to do everything I listed!! :-P

I'll use headers for now, and I'm familiar with them. Just gets a bit wordy when things are 4 and 5 days long. Had a brainstorm and thought I'd share my idea (that I may or may not have stolen from Event Wizard Pro).


Wow! Event wizard. That's some old software.


You can do the group notes using the header dropdown. Just have to have the variable on the pages you want it to show up on. I'm sure you can find JS to put on your pages that will expand or contract anything under the header....maybe.

Shifts are impossible outside of the shift tab but wont tie to a group. Just like you cant' tie shifts to a specific item. Well,...hhmmmm

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