Contract email goes to a dead link

Timothy R. shared this question 14 hours ago
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When I enter a manual booking, and try to email the contract link to the customer, it goes to a dead link

Comments (1)


You have to make sure the lead is in the contract status or above. Anything lower won't work


Okay, that seemed to work. I am also having another issue. I lost a customer just a bit ago because they say that the price on the website showed different than the actual price. I have screenshots form my phone to show the issue. It showed the item cost as $175 when I updated this slide a few days ago to be $200. It showed $200 when they put it in the checkout cart, and it showed $200 on my wife’s phone when she opened it. Why would it not have updated on the main web screen but it did when it’s added to the cart?


Also, when I attempt to gain access to Wordpress, I am getting a white screen. This is happening on my laptop, phone, and iPad. I’ve also gotten a message station that there was a “critical error” with my site. Any ideas?


IO will have to fix the critical error. As for the "from 175" they put in the lowest price of your price chart for that item. It's also possible that page didn't update. Idk.

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