CRM assignments

Chad B. shared this question 7 days ago

How does the CRM assignments work? Do I have to manually assign emails and journals to people? Does the system do it? How does IO know what to show in my to-do preset or my stuff preset? The stuff that's unassigned, does it just go to everyone?

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Additionally, do new inbound emails not show up in the CRM?


Yes, you would need to assign these. Unassigned would show for everyone. The filters go by these assignments. Inbound emails to should come through as well


What's the difference between the presets "My Stuff" and "To Do"?


My Stuff is everything assigned to you. To do is everything unassigned, or assigned to anyone. Overall list of open "to do" items


couple more questions here:

1. If I have imap setup for my worker account, shouldn't the inbound to my account email show?

2. There are a lot of items being assigned as Chad automatically. How is this being determined? I know I don't assign them and Charity isn't assigning them. I thought maybe it was due to sales rep. But I have a customer who's sales rep is Charity but the emails automatically assign to me. Email Page | InflatableOffice


The To Do list will not show items assigned to others. Just unassigned and assigned to you.

For your questions:

1. Unassigned / Assigned to you emails that are imported will show on your To Do list. They will not show if they got assigned to someone else, via something like a Sales Rep association.

2. As Susan mentioned above the assigning of these entries varies for each type. For emails for example, it checks the email on your worker profile, sales rep associations, and emails you have set up in your email settings, such as your SMTP email. Which is how that specific email got assigned to you.


Ok. I'm not sure you answered number

1. I wasn't asking about assignments there. Earlier Susan stated that inbound emails from info@jumpingjacksevents would show on our list even if we didn't initiate the conversation. What I'm asking is, if I have IMAP set up for my worker account, shouldn't I get inbound emails in my to do that are also to I've received several emails there and not one of them show in the todo list. Are you saying my worker SMTP settings are not for my worker email? I'll have to check that.

2. is a company email so assigning them all to my worker seems weird. I'll check my smtp settings and see if I have something crossed.


yep. that was it. I had as my worker account as well as the business.


another thing, does these preset pages update automatically or do I have to refresh the page for them to update? I just sent myself an email to test it and I had to refresh the page for the incoming email to update. Wasn't sure if that's the intended function or if it should show automatically.


I have IMAP turned on for my account under email preferences. Yet I don't see it anywhere in the todo, my stuff or my groups presets. Do I have to have it set under an employee for incoming emails to send to those presets?

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